My Covid has some fun unintended consequences ….. it’s giving me time to create, write and share ideas. Creating art/sketching/painting is a terrific way to learn to see with “Uncommon Eyes.” Seeing Light, shadow and color is a major key to opening the beautiful world/nature that surrounds and supports us.

So… this week I’ve been outside studying winters morning and afternoon light.

Making note of Winter Color.

The photo on the left is morning light… blue greens, soft peach tones, lovely warm grays and taupe…. splashes of soft yellows… all seen through the brilliant white light of morning.

The photo in the right is afternoon light... the colors have changed dramatically,,, yellow greens in various shades… taupes, browns and dark grays… bits of silver and pewter…. all seen through the brilliant yellow light of afternoon.

Take your phone… go for a walk… take pictures… make notes… begin a Nature journal.

Become aware of the everday “Rhythms and Cycles of Nature ” and how it roots, grounds, and shapes your life.

The left photo.. morning light… my camera didn’t pick up all the frost glittering in the grass. Now I have more excuse to add glitter to my sketches…lol.

The right photo is the same patch of grass seen in afternoon light.

These photos help me with my winter color studies.♥

I hope you take yourself outside for an art adventure… it will make you smile and maybe you will see a few surprises.♥